
Dammit. I have facial hair, and I'm actually a fairly good guy. But thanks to all these weak-ass scifi shows, everyone thinks I'm evil, and the only way to disprove it is to shave off the goatee.

Hey, buy the land up cheap now, and some day your distant descendants will have oodles of oceanfront property!

I live in North Dakota. This happens every fall. It's not that big of a deal.

I bought a window fan unit for cheap last fall when they're on clearance. I run it at night and it pumps cool air through my place, and I turn it off during the day. It uses much less power than an A/C unit. I have yet to even think about putting in my window A/C, and this has been my most energy-efficient summer yet.

@meow-mixer: Screw you, Apple. I refuse to upgrade. At least until Generation 5. Maybe 4, if you give it the iphone's camera.

Wait, what about us poor souls with iPod Touch 1st Gens? Are we SOL?

This is why I refuse to do business with AT&T. I've watched them screw enough people over to know that it won't be any different for me.

I flew on a flight from DC to KC a few years back that was delayed from departing. The captain came on the intercom to tell us all there was a hole in the belly of the plane about the size of a dollar and they were waiting to leave so they had time to tape over the hole and move the luggage around underneath so there

@ggodo: Actually, I've never heard of it.

And how long until this one melts down?

@cap-n-crunch: I wrote a column asking for reader comments about what comics to keep and which to replace. A woman literally told me over the phone and said that if Garfield was taken from the paper, I would be strung up in the streets and people would celebrate my execution with a parade (and she would lead the

I'm a newspaper editor. People have literally threatened me with my life for having suggested that a few of our comic strips need replacement.

I've heard that in movie making they have a method called "instant night" where you underexpose by two stops and use indoor color balancing outdoors during daylight. Try doing that on your digital camera.

@nobodyzhome: That's when you get the best light.

Pelican cases aren't cheap. Damn, they really must want you to like them.