Little Green Frog

At some point the NYT has to figure out that conservatives are going to blast it as horribly biased no matter what it reports ... right? They will never, ever, ever win them over so long as they report any truth whatsoever that conflicts with American right-wing mythology.

Yes, the Democrats “ramrodded” the woman who kept winning enough votes to put herself at the lead of her party’s primary into the position of the party’s nominee. IF ONLY they could have found someone that could have gotten more votes than Donald Trump... Oh Fucking Wait.

So you’re staring down the fucking barrel of where this got us and you’re still justifying it? Jesus fucking Christ.

Of course the DNC was helping Clinton. SANDERS ISN’T A DEMOCRAT.

First of all, this is a weird obsession with shoving things down throats. I hear it from Ann Coulter a lot. WTF?

I’m sure Hillary also would have pulled out of the Paris accords, repealed DACA, nominated Gorsuch, supported the white supremacists in Charlottesville, given ICE agents virtually unchecked power, fired most of her top advisors, played golf almost every weekend, spent far more time and energy going after NFL players

Really? I guess Clinton just pushed a plan with quite a few fixes to Obamacare for funsies.

That was a purposeful point of manipulation by Republican leadership.

No, it’s the ignorant masses who voted for Trump. They all looked at Trump and fell for his con, that he was a big success because he had gold plated rooms and furniture, a big mansion, big golf resorts, books, a chain of hotels, blah blah blah. They didn’t know that he’s a complete idiot who lives in deep debt to pay

Clinton lost because Trump campaigned on hate and promised to hurt people. There were a lot of people in the US that his promise to hurt a lot of people appealed to. This was made easier because the GOP had adopted an all-hate platform a long time ago.

If people were too butt blind to see what a horrible person Donald Trump is and what an awful president he would make despite the obvious and overwhelming evidence, that’s not the fault of the Democrats.

What exactly gives you the idea that we don’t allow abusers to move forward when accused of sexual assault and harassment lol. We have countless examples of people who have faced little or no punishment and continue to be successful.

Can anyone out there who either voted 3rd party, or didn’t vote last November because you were “showing the establishment”, remind me again how Trump and Clinton were essentially the same and it really didn’t matter who won? TIA

Lots of people want an activism or a progressive movement that doesn’t take anything from anyone or hurt anyone we care about and it just doesn’t work.

I hope this makes into the MOMA.

I seriously love what you are doing here and the way you are doing it. It’s just fucking brilliant. It’s pure art!


Megyn Kelly Colors, 9/25/17-10/13/17

Megyn Kelly Colors, 9/25/17-10/12/17
(This is getting ridiculous...has she abandoned color altogether?)