Little Green Frog

I watched her performance of the National Anthem in the Super Bowl last week again. Got chills. Such a bummer...

You know what? I am Catholic, and I am all in favor of offering contraception to all employees. If you are Catholic, just don't buy the contraceptives.

Ugh, just last Monday a friend was a witness in this sad episode:

Minnesota: please, please, please, please, do not re-elect her.

He was on "Wait, wait, don't tell me" last weekend. And he was ridiculously awesome.

Not Ms. Wasserman Schultz, I meant the man.

Whose hand is Ms. Giffords holding?

Ok, what was the joke? I missed and I can't find it.

I swear I saw this needle work piece on Antiques Roadshow. Am I dreaming?

She looked so, so uncomfortable, very defensive, even though Al Roker was using the most soothing tone ever.

Add Tom Cruise to that list.

Saying it one time: misspeak. Saying it 2 times: you need to pay more attention when reading your "365 New Words-a-Year 2012 Calendar".


That's what I was going to say. This story came out when he was running 4 years ago. Some freak out, he said someone else wrote them, McCain go the nomination, everyone forgot. Now, once again the cycle starts over. And in 4 years, the story will come back again...

I didn't submit a question, but I wanted to say: thank you for your time, Mindy! Talented, pretty and funny. We all want to be your friend.

Man, I didn't notice, but yeah, I don't think Kris and Khloe are the same height.

Too much Photoshop, and not only that, badly done. Mason has a white line all around him. And Kris? Really? The only one with color? In the center? We get it, you are the matriarch. But, you don't get to do the pigeon-toed pose. You don't get to do it after you hit 40 (I should know, I have one year left!).

"She's pretty much the coolest woman in the world". I assume you talk about the comedy world. I beg to differ. Tina Fey is way cooler. And then comes Amy Poehler. Then, Kisten Wiig and Maya Rudolph.

Word. I am a leader in a troop sponsored by a parish and not only we have to have references from 3 people, we have to have a full background check and be approved by the Archdiocese. There is no way they can make up for what was done to all previous victims, but at least our parish is trying that it doesn't happen to

Oh yes, HH. I scream at the TV the whole show. The other day, this girl was looking for a house and said that the kitchen was kinda small. She also said at the beginning of the episode that she DIDN'T COOK. I mean really? And she wanted 3 bedrooms. She lives alone, and her family lives in the same town. I get she