Little Green Frog

@WrittenPyramids: @DeeDoubleYou: @xodallas: @JoelleVanDyne (formerly megscissorhands): @tiny_danza: @miriam.heddy: @ItsAJ:

@SUNNY1: I should have said: "giving fans an explanation" of why she is not/will not be as productive/touring?


Y'all, I went to my brother in law's yesterday, and one of his music equipment pieces had a swastika on it. He's a rock musician, so I'm guessing it is for the shock value and all, but NO.

Yes! I am about to finish a knitted blankie for my future nephew.

I was watching her last week. So eloquent, so smart, asking the great questions.

"How do the women without help do it?!" They go fucking nuts. They don't have a life. Signed, working mom currently in therapy.

@andBegorrah: Thunderdome. Two (wo)men enter, one (wo)man leaves.

Dodai, you were BORN to review catalogs.

@ConnieMortadella: Our office is fairly international so we are going to see the Mex-SAfrica game during lunch that day. and I'm wearing my jersey!!!

At the risk of sounding stupid, what did Dodai mean by "I'm Audi 5k"?

I met one of Zapata's sons (since has passed). I don't think he would have liked this marketing.

I thought I was the only one. My break up was in 2009, but other than that, you and I should start a support group, Dodai.

Time flies when you are having fun! CONGRATULATIONS to all of you for a job very well done.

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: And if they don't have mimosas made with REAL champagne, I'm demanding an apology from them.

@FatBottomedGirl: Re: Happy - I thought I was the only one who thought it smelled bad! My Mom bought it for me, and I was disappointed after using it , but I thought I just had a bad batch. Guess not!

@viviangrrrl: I posted a comment without reading yours, and I couldn't agree with you more.

I'm a mom of an 9-year-old like these girls, and