Little Green Frog

@royaume de coeur: I agree that 5 months is a long to time to be underrepresented, but now that the state legislature is looking at changing that law, who knows what else they will do in addition to allow for an interim replacement. That is the "scary" part to me.

I heard about this business of changing the law in Massachusetts. WTH? So you change it first to suit your needs, and now you want to change it back because it doesn't suit you anymore? It made me really mad, especially because it IS a needed law that should be passed on all states (we don't have that in GA).

I (personally) think some of the reasons he was able to do all this were 1) He was well off, so he didn't have to worry about using his position to enrich himself later, like a lot of Senators and Reps who go on to be consultants and lobbyists after leaving Congress. 2) The Kennedy name has a clout with the American

@JessaFields: So far Fox's website is behaving nicely:

Really? Because when people find out I watch TDS and Colbert they don't think I'm cool, they think I am a feminazi baby killer liberal.

@AuntieBee: Ok, then my head is going to explode because that was one of her lines in her good-bye speech:

@NefariousNewt: Of course not. SP is a cult of personality. Let me show you what an acquaintance wrote on her FB page this weekend (this is a well educated person, responsible, caring for her family, etc.):

Why protecting seniors is more important than protecting kids?

@Penny: Or in the immortal words of Craig T. Nelson: "I've been on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help me out? No. No."

@Snowbunny: Perhaps they can have Bill Shatner do the reading.

Awww, they disabled her blog...

@dj_chick: that is awesome about your niece. Whenever I see my kids IMing or emailing using incorrect spelling I get on their case, even if they say "but Moooooooommmm".

Sooo many things to say:

@newjewrevue: She is wearing the same nail polish color my Grandma (may she rest in peace) used to wear.

Well, sorry to be the curmudgeon, but I'm hating my 30s. As soon as I turned 30, my metabolism slowed down to a crawl and have been diagnosed with more health issues that I would like to count.

@Penny: No fair. Just having 1/24th of one f hers would suffice for me.

I have this one: