Wow, interesting. My skin color can really pop up with red, so I use it a lot, although less "fire-hydrant" shade now that I'm in my 30's.
Wow, interesting. My skin color can really pop up with red, so I use it a lot, although less "fire-hydrant" shade now that I'm in my 30's.
The O'Reilly Factor was on while I was at the gym, and I could.not.stop watching it.
I would not use Amelia Earhart in "Night at the Museum 2" as a compliment. I saw the move Sunday and I cringed every single moment of it. The perkiness, the "moxie", the over and over kissing of Ben Stiller. Ugh. Miss Earhart would NOT be proud.
Does anyone have a copy of any speech Harriet Myers gave regarding her nomination? Because whoa, there is no way it was as good as this one.
@Little Green Frog: Well that will teach me to not give my opinion without listening to Adam sing first :-D
Anyone else here happy that Lambert could become part of Queen? Not a huge fan of either, but I think that would be a win-win for both parties.
Oh geez, thanks for making me feel guilty. I use to read to my kids (or them to me) religiously, but after I got sick, I've been just sending them to bed so that they read by themselves. I AM SUCH A HORRIBLE MOTHER.
@AjaxNangerini: Don't forget flying the Confederate falg. You know they only do it to "remember the Civil War" not because of slavery, nooo, not at all.
@Little Green Frog: I guess I should clarify: Unless the Mom had left the computer logged in turned on, with the password for that auction site opened on that particular page, there is no way a 3 year old you have successfully submitted a bid.
I am so NOT buying this for a second.
@PreposterousHypothesis: You just described why my basement looks the way it does.
@NefariousNewt: I know, isn't it an insult to the people who run those prisons? Cheney is basically saying "you cannot handle this, even though that is you job and what we pay you to do".
@Samanthrax is Sarcastic: They don't look pointy!!
@BrutallyHonestBabes (aka Mrs. Sarah.of.a.Lesser.Hobbit): Ah, he's the Coca Cola flying guy:
@Lirael: Ha! Like that works... I was hit on with a wedding ring and a HUGE pregnant belly.
He said that???? Wow, he's going out with a bang.
@Little Green Frog: But I don't like those stars and the Bedazzled look on the sleeve.
In all honesty (since I gave money to H. Clinton), if the shoe was on the other foot and they used Hillary's PAC to help retire SP's debt I would be F#$%#$@ING PISSED.
Well, I guess I will have to get a subscription to the National Enquirer and cancel my NYT one.