Mistreating your server is one of the surest signs that someone is a bad person. I guarantee that every BCO-bad-customer from these stories is a piece of shit to every person in their life.
Mistreating your server is one of the surest signs that someone is a bad person. I guarantee that every BCO-bad-customer from these stories is a piece of shit to every person in their life.
That pissed me off so much, too. I manage a restaurant and any time someone mistreats any of my employees, I have no problems kicking them out immediately and calling the cops if necessary. I'm a 5'3'' woman, but my workers say I'm very scary when I'm angry at an abusive customer and they love watching me take care…
Unhitch your cause, whatever it is, from #GamerGate. Its moved well beyond the point of redemption. Find another name, find another fight, find another way of expressing what you want ("ethics in journalism" or whatever— good luck with that) #GamerGate is done.
All it takes is one unhinged person to kill someone. That her home address was published makes it materially easier for that to happen, which was the intent of publishing it — to terrorize women into keeping silent through threats of violence towards them. "We know where you live," it says. Can you tell the…
My viewing of this will include copious amounts of marijuana.
Hello Friends and welcome back to Selfie Loathing, a roundup of celebrity Instagrams, presented without comment.…
Okay. This looks like someone went a-digging through Lily Tomlin's wardrobe castoffs from 9 to 5, chopped them up and then sort of draped them strategically on the models. And sometimes bell bottoms. And sometimes my father's favorite tie that he wore to work in 1979. But in this case it's not just a tie, it's more an…
I'm surprised the Django Unchained actress thing didn't make it anywhere. I suppose now that the new pictures showing that the cops might not have been just randomly accusing her are out the story is probably a bit heavy to make it in next week's.
In an unrelated study, a 2011 poll found that 73% of Americans "believe that they are destined to find their one, true, soul mate."
Well-adjusted people tend not to make the most interesting characters, especially in gritty crime dramas.
It's Jezebel. You have to throw in the "slut-shame" buzzword in order to get an article about "women" and "sex" published.
"Just fine" hardly sounds like winning the lottery.
You know, I can't help but wonder if this was actually *MEANT* to be a nice, generous deed performed by an old school Santa Claus type craftsperson who just thought they were doing something anonymous and kind for their neighbors' kids. The first neighborhood I lived in as a kid was a dead end street that offered my…
Before anyone flips out, people of all diets / dietary preferences can have disordered eating patterns. When I have seen nutritionists about how to be a vegan in a healthy way (making sure I get enough protein since I lift weights, making sure I get enough lipids so I don't get homicidally hangry in the afternoon) I…
Sounds like someone is fulfilling the requirements of their 12 step program.
I would like to add:
This was a great article but all I really took from it is...I really hope Vee is dead.
Hey there, lumberjack. Mind showing me your wood?
Sweet ass pants.
It's like the took some photos of hipsters going about their daily lives and built the advertising campaign around them.