
You’re like Twilight’s Bella...only for fleas. That's hot.

Bloody brilliant.

I enjoyed.

You're hating the player, not the game. Grow up

Tickle the roof of your mouth with your tongue. Stops a sneeze every time.

Yes! The two stars of the show! Imagine...putting them on the cover of RS! You’re a pack of race baiters.

Yes! The two stars of the show! Imagine...putting them on the cover of RS! You’re a pack of race baiters. Fuck off.

Yes! The two stars of the show! Imagine...putting them on the cover of RS! You’re a pack of race baiters. Fuck off.

It really is a terrifying choice though. You hang out with the flayers, or you hang out with the crazy Isis religious freaks.
I think I’d be catching a ride to Dorne.

All that was missing was a blinding bitch slap to the face

There are tools out there to help IT employees deal with the load. Companies like RES Software actually enforce company policies through automation, and enable browsing (securely) from any device.
I don’t envy the life of an IT employee.

I am so excited to see how bad ass Adam Driver looks. I don’t care what anyone says, he looks super pissy and evil. I’m in!

It's .5 mg so it comes out to 2mg total over the course of three hours.

I fly a few times a month...and its always terrifying. I have rituals, and xanax.
First stop after I get through upgraded security is to find the nearest bar. I order a bloody mary and mozarella sticks and take two xanax. After ingesting my food, I ask for a second drink. By the time I’m finished I’m buzzed. I then

I don’t want to watch porn with my partner. I enjoy watching it alone. One of the best things about traveling for my job is that I get to spend a lot of porn time by myself in various hotels around the globe. Also, add to that the ease of which one can walk right into a walgreens and pick up a vibrator? A porn loving

That was really good.

You should visit
There is a whole group of disgruntled former fans who are just like you my friend.

The best part is she thanks everyone in the albums liner notes...including Scott the Engineer..everyone but Howard. I’ve heard there is a lot of bad blood between him and the kids...not so much ashley, but debra and emily?

Emily the elder released an album. Look up, "zoo za zoo"

His older Emily. Google, Zoo za zoo