
I love my drone.

Jesus Christ. Fuck off.

we went on a diet after those stories broke.

I love my fucking city.

I was under the impression the tongue could swell, obstructing oxygen and any attempts at CPR. For an ENT Guy, you sort of suck

I will quote the great thespian Channing Tatum.

I can appreciate irrational hatred. Your mention of Adam Sandler made me realize that I too suffer from irrational hatred. Anything he's ever done has caused me to retch.

Perhaps you're right...but, "This is the End," and, "Knocked Up," were genuinely funny movies. I think people hate on the guy because he's successful. I respect your opinion, but disagree.

Well, I guess the box office agrees with me

I agree with this on many levels. The American Media really screwed the pooch posting all of that information...all of that STOLEN information. To knowingly publish stolen information is patently immoral. I think outlets like Gawker, etc. have a certain amount of culpability in all of this. They'll just never have

Seth Rogan is pretty talented and funny.

I'm really blown away, and sort of ashamed that theaters pulled this movie. We can't allow ourselves to live in fear. Part of being an American is being brave enough to enjoy your freedoms.

here's what I think. I think you meant well writing this article.

Maybe I don't run in the right circles, but I have never given this woman a second thought.

This made me laugh out loud.

Jesus Christ. Thanks for the morning sobs.

Adnan. Guilty.

I was more upset that a long term character died and I didn't care.

she's a cute kid.

shanahan ruined him