Holy Crap! He's breath taking!
Holy Crap! He's breath taking!
I apparently had the breakfast of champions compared to you kids!
I love the Seattle fanbase. They're a huge part of the reason why Seattle won this season.
I watch from Philadelphia and feel nothing but love for the Hawk's fans. When they won last night my first thought was of those fan who sat in the Kingdome all those years ago watching Jim Zorn throw to Steve Largent, and I…
Good for Seattle! Those bastard's deserved this win. Easily one of the most loyal fan bases in pro sports. I hope their parade is as much of a party.
It's weird...people do this thing as time passes. It's called aging! Some people look different when they get older, others, not so much.
This book was passed from classmate to classmate in the sixth grade. Some clever reader had torn the original cover off and had pasted the cover from, "Little House on the Prairie," instead.
Joan never changes. I admire that about her.
That's some powerful horse poop you're spouting out there! I hope you don't color all your opinions of people in such dramatic hues.
Damn. This is exactly how I danced in the 80's.
This is a depressing day for me. I've been out of the office, back to work with no vacation in sight until May...
He does look kind of hot in that t shirt
I have a dog that gets hot spots. The only way we were able to stop him from licking (except the cone of shame) was by putting him in a soft cotton t shirt. Once he healed we were happy to remove the shirt, but by then Randy was in LOVE with his baby soft shirt. He would bring it me to put on him, roll around and…
You're right. From what I recall the kid went for a few years without any teeth at all and was made fun of by his classmates. When he teeth finally started growing in he was so excited and proud.
This Dentist needs their ass handed to them! Root canals on baby teeth? My friend had a nephew who's mom fed him nothing but sugar. By the time he was five all of his teeth were rotting out of his head...but since they were BABY TEETH, the dentist removed them and prepared the parents for braces in the future...and…
I concur. As a woman I don't find this very empowering.
You and me both.
this is a great idea!
I really want to hate on the woman for reporting this guy, because I could very easily be this poor dude. I know what its like to be so fucking frustrated with your shit job that you're ready to punch your fist through the wind shield. This dude was DONE for the day. I get it.
Still...you can't be tossing people's…
My sister is notorious for tagging me in the most horrible pictures ever.