
I had such a soft spot for Britney Murphy. She's the primary reason I quit reading Perez Hilton. The way he tormented this poor woman with his dark, ugly insinuations and vicious attacks. When she passed away he even posted something like, "How horrible even though I knew this was coming..." or something to that

I'm from a time when gay anything was I'm not cynical enough to cast disparaging eyes upon a show that casts gay actors in a gay show. I'm the girl who still gets giddy watching Blaine sing, "Teenage Dream," to Kurt...and who gets a cheap thrill watching Callie and Arizona make out on Grey's Anatomy.

Holy shit. We had the exact same childhood experience. I was baffled for years by the terminology.

It's going to be a national holiday in my home

My dog is a jovial pooper. He gets this delighted expression on his face (eyes closed, smiling face) as he relieves himself. When he's done he kicks the grass with frantic abandon then leaps into the air and runs back to house (with me in tow). He looks like he's laughing with genuine joy.

I'm skeeved as well. It also seems artistically lazy.

You and me both sister. Road trip!

My hair was so stiff back in the 80's that it used to make crackling sounds whenever I rested my head on my pillow at night.
Also, Pat Benatar was my make-up icon. Enough said.

he has amazing thighs.

Really?'s their fault.
This mentality makes me sick.
So, in closing, if I get drunk and head out late at night I get what I deserve!

That was a close call. God Speed!

Yes Rusty. I'm a fortune teller. Really?? Jesus dude.

This kid owned it. There aren't a lot of people willing to step up. I believe people are entitled to mistakes. He made one. He learned from it.

This looks very depressing...which means I will be tuning in.

I'm too poor and have too many people relying on me to share your view. I'm happy for you though. I wish I didn't have to sacrifice for my job.

I'm 44 and have no idea either.

I'm 44 and have no idea either.

I wish I were there.

My dog hates the bathing, but LOVES the towel dry. I even put his towel in the dryer first so it gets all warm, then I come at him and start chanting, "Towel dry, towel dry, towel dry..."

I call BS. Pam got a dose of the embarrassments and is playing for sympathy