
don't forget, flares nostrils

quit with the 'asterisk' comments. People don't say, "Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl Champs...with an 'asterisk'.

I'm intrigued. I'm a huge Chloe Moretz fan. I think she definitely has the chops for this.

I have bad knees that make it virtually impossible to walk long distances without having to take a break...yet I don't use the wheel chair in the airport. I do however board early so I don't have people in line banging into my knees...which has happened.

but this kind of crap happens all the time in the NFL...I see your point, but mistakes happen. You can't hold it against the Hawks. Team get TD's all the time when there has been uncalled holding, etc. It's a shitty part of the game.

No Shit! GET OVER IT. Calls get screwed up all the time. It's not the Hawk's fault the refs blow.

I have no clue what she's mumbling...ever now and then I catch a phrase...'I want to be your lady,' "With this smile make you wow".

I absolutely adored this show growing up.

A-fucking-men. I am a fat athlete. I am fit. The end.

I have to concur. Dolphins it over the head!

Hm. I'm addicted now. I easily ingest about 4 cans a day. Do you seriously notice health benefits? I'm tired all the time but I figured the caffeine in DC would boost the old energy levels.

Hmm...I believe I remember that. Continuity doesn't seem to be an issue with True Blood though.

This guy truly is the King of Dumbasses. Let us hail him.

This guy truly is the King of Dumbasses. Let us hail him.

Boy do I relate to this comment. My grandmother was also a hoarder and I used to be terrified to go to her house. I am obsessive about 'clean surfaces' and I detest any knick-knacks because they take up space. I can't watch Hoarders at all. My anxiety ratchets up so high I need a xanax.

quadruple post

Quad post.

and...quad post.

I think Salome was part Sookie is...and she was turned into a vamp and now has insane LSD blood.

I agree. I was actually a little stunned to read their excuses, complete accountability, sincere apology, and making an effort to learn from their mistake. This is how the world should be run. Nice Fix Readercon