
I am so sorry that happened to you and that you have to deal with that aftermath.

“Dollars to donuts she was drunk as hell, but the responding officers let her sober up before giving her a blood test.”

Now playing

GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!! We were so close to ridding ourselves of this Canadian Calamity.

Reynolds runs a security company, Reynolds Security Consulting Corp., out of Plainfield and is also a reserve officer for the town of Sheridan. He’s currently running as a Republican candidate for Hendricks County Council.”

Not only did his opposition to torture waver, he completely capitulated to the Bush Administration in their use of torture. His 2005 bill banning the use of torture by DoD personnel specifically left out the CIA, who were the ones torturing people anyways. He also voted AGAINST extending the ban to the CIA in 2008. 

While I’m firmly in camp of “fuck dat dude” I have to respect.... nothing. Fuck that dude.

Also as a father of two and a husband, I truly hope there’s a special place in Hell for this guy. 

As a husband and dad, my sentiments exactly.

Think about that poor mother and her 12 year old daughter. Imagine being her husband and the father of that child. You look forward every day to spending time with them when you get home from work and out of the blue you get a call that some loser destroyed them and took them away from you forever. You don’t even get

Kamala Harris was California’s attorney general from 2011 to 2017, and that means every shooting of an unarmed black person, every dirty cop scandal and every mass incarceration story from that era will fall in her lap during the primaries. That’s before you get to her advocacy for prison slavery.

Could you be more specific?  This is literally the first time I’ve heard this complaint about her.

Brian is out there doin the lords work, don’t compare him with this fool.

In immortal words of Sir Lil’ Jon in the seminal Youngbloodz classic “Damn!”;

Their goal isn’t to win a logical argument, it’s to muddy the water so much that enough people lose interest and go back to hating brown people a lot. 

It really is astounding that they’re fighting the battle, semantically, concerning the word “collusion”.

The thing is is that collusion, in almost all forms, is rendered illegal based upon what the collusion concerns. Business who collude to stymie innovation, artificially keep prices high, or to prevent new entrants

The thing is our criminal justice system is very much set up so that the desired end goal for law enforcement and prosecutors is OBTAINING A CONVICTION, not figuring out what happened. If a crime happens, they want someone in jail for it. So the entire apparatus is set up to identify potential perpetrators and then to

First of all, fuck these cops and fuck their lawyer. There is no justification whatsoever for shooting someone in the back. He was running away there was no threat. Even if he did have a gun, it wasn’t out, there was no threat and finding it after the fact doesn’t make anyone a threat. You have concealed carry permits

Honestly, this is why I’m wondering what’s up with the rape victim beating this drum. All the evidence points to it being a lone job by this one guy. Those kids all served out the time allotted while the actual perp never did a fucking day for what he did to her. What’s her fucking angle to punish people that were

Michael Rappaport.

I don’t know anything about this case, the accused, or the accuser, so I’m not talking specifically related to this, but in general.