
And Jalad at Tanagra


You may not be sorry but murder is still a crime.

Shhhhhhh stop trying to bring facts

I’ve been a vocal R Kelly hater since his old ass married Aaliyah when I was 13. This is so strange that it’s taken 24 years for this movement.

I think it was pretty obvious that Dr Strange used the Time Stone to split of into multiple time lines. Those sequels can continue without Thanos as a factor while the one we witnessed in Infinity War they remain dead.

So Killer Mike should have waited a couple of weeks to try and get back at her.


I swear these people are just playing the heel to get published because black intellectuals is a crowded field.

He said 5 hour sequel so I assume 10 30 minute episodes.

I prepped my 6 year old with Karate Kid 1-3 and we are so ready for this.

And don’t forget that white people get really indignant over the smallest of things, especially when it comes to black people

Will this be R?

Looks like 700 White supremists and collaborators

Every time Cole drops an album I listen through think it’s great, listen again and struggle to get through without being bored then move on to something else. I’m on my 5th rotation of KOD.


And used prisoners as slaves

Episode was so good.

I’ve worked for the City of Atlanta through 3 administrations. Each of the previous mayors stepped in the door with their own people day one. Keisha, out of respect for Mayor Reed gave his people 3 months to prove themselves.

I see white people in the comments are hard at work diminishing black achievements again. Please go on about the movie being overrated to you and inflation metrics.