
Also, he seems to be a guy who doesn't readily burn bridges out of revenge, ...unlike the previous author, who chose to enumerate nearly every corporate party involved, while willfully describing his "I'm-taking-my-toys-and-going-home" behavior during his last two weeks.

His whole "...which I named" business came across as super self-important. I've had my share of bad jobs, but if this guy seriously thought he could easily move over to 343 after working a few months on a bottom-level job, on temp, at a completely different studio and without any degree, then yeah. He's clueless.

Again, I note that there is no champion villain in bad reporting. Whether it's doctoring a photo, intentionally cropping photos, selectively editing interviews to cut certain responses, or flat-out bullying interviewees, it seems all networks have a lion's share of blame.

Even CNN, everyone's hard news outlet choice,

Fair point, sir (or ma'am).

Most "news" comes from one of a few outlets, AP being the biggest one. More than half the time the big networks rerun and elaborate on AP stories. I understand if you're upset with Fox because they're generally conservative, but to suggest that story selection based on political bias is unique to them, or even a

I don't watch Fox News, but they actually feature more reporting and less commentary than MSNBC, and are near parity with CNN.…

Hate 'em all you want - I don't care. But try to put things in perspective.

Yeah, he came off as marginalizing and stereotyping as the hacks on Fox. Fire with fire, I guess? *rolls eyes*

everyone hates a gramer nazi

Yeah, it always does this. So the news is there is nothing new here.

That made me laugh more, ...than you'll never know.

[missed reference]
But I caught it. And it was brilliant.

Dear god, I had this. And it didn't work at all.

Dear god, I had this. And it didn't work at all.


Did anyone catch the subtle reference to Blu-ray? Could we extrapolate that the Durango will have Blu-ray functionality? (Or has this already been 'confirmed'?)

You're in Georgia, but I'm in Memphis. The HOTBED of racial tension. We're all super-sensitive to racial epithets here. And it's still strong here, so much that we had a klan rally in the city proper a few weeks ago.

But I looked at the name Starcoon, and nothing pinged. When I said it out loud, the criticism seemed a

Vagina is for lovers.

I had to stop the video at :26. Big fat error on the stats. There's no Murphy's Burrow, TN. They mean Murfreesboro, TN. Which leads me to believe that someone just heard the name, and typed it out without checking it.

That's exactly what I thought.