
I’m pretty sure the only reason we don’t have an attempted ruling on that is no modern social media company has actually bothered to try.

Being dismissed for being fans of [competing product] mostly.

[...] and the vehicle’s satellite navigation system to identify the speed limit and, if the car is exceeding it

“Actually it’s too much government is why the free market is failing, get educated” -Every libertarian, probably.

I thought Kotaku already had an annual “backlog week/month” with at least one writer getting existential about the futility of it all.

And that’s assuming of course at the undisclosed date in the future this blog is being read that it is still even on Game Pass...

For what it’s worth, adding an optional harder mode would I believe be increasing accessibility. Games that are too easy may not give enough dopamine for solving/defeating problems to keep certain gamers engaged, and user imposed artificial handicaps are not a great solution.

It was a nice reminder that I never set my Series X as home console (5 lifetime changes?), And was unable to do so with the service being down.

Since you already got the “honestly no one” answer, (and the follow up “why do it anyways” is unfulfilling,) allow me to give alternatives:

Betting on original beige Playstation, possibly roach infested.

If they’re added as part of the regular online subscription, then probably not. Likely for Nintendo’s liking they’d need to be standalone.

Yes, but they’re mostly self aware. Burned too hard by the hype nothing will ever satisfy them. Forever cursed to walk this world shaking their fist at clouds.

Nope, those are replacement tokens for that company’s specific next game, (something that could be done before without NFT, and therefore isn’t relevant). I’m talking about how the magic of NFT is that the original still have value despite the fact that the game they were made for no longer exists.

Nah it’s cool, some guy in a previous comment section said that if the NFT game goes down you can just take your assets and magic them into the next NFT game somehow.

I ended up dropping it early because it felt like for a character driven gacha game none of the characters you could pull actually felt like part of the story.

If the game isn’t out yet, it’s not the Best Grass in Video Games, presently now is it?

Unfortunately it couldn’t escape The Animated Series’ shadow (Justice League Unlimited was still using the character at the time), and it was the first of 3 Batman cartoons within a decade.

Wednesday night, still the most recent. Honestly I wouldn’t have known about the strike if not for the comments (guess I’m not gonna be back here for a few weeks).

Presumably it’s to prevent people from dropping asset flips mid sale.

28 days from launch if no launch sale
28+[sale duration] if launch sale