
Honestly, I’m feeling monster should be the last pick. Smash originally really felt more like a mascot fighter than anything.

Counter argument: I think it looks fine and is priced about where I’d expect a collab ball jointed ball to be (overpriced but not as much as youd think)

It was never supposed to be some deep thoughtful take on superheroism. The premise was “what if wannabe super heroes were really bad at their jobs”.

I want them to live with every bad decision from all 3 movies. Own it. Don’t erase any of it. Show know weakness and don’t admit a single mistake.

Does it still work if you have a baby in a restaurant they give you free food for life?

All You Need Is Kill / Edge of Tomorrow / Live Die Repeat was fine.

I’m not sure if you’re being facetious, but honestly, yes, just burn it all down.

I couldn’t explain how, but I swear Lay’s Salt & Vinegar chips tasted better when I was a kid, and I’ve been forever trying to change that feeling.

Having ate them as a kid, a broke college student, and a sad adult, I’m confident in saying... it’s probably both.

His company makes cool stuff from his funded by his (originally blood) money.

While it’s clearly obviously 100% the fault of the card, it’s so far only happened with this one game which does make it notable.

I really liked F.E.A.R (2005): The One With The Ghosts. At least the first one which I thought was a really fun mix of actiony setpiece FPS shooting and weird paranomal horror.

If only 1% of people were actually going to buy the game though, then it would take 100,000 downloads to reach those figures.

Sigh, because this story keeps showing up on the front page...

The amount of time he’s spent dodging the issue suggests he’s trying to be diplomatic over views he has that he knows are problematic.

Sounds like Sony dropped the ball on a feature we now expect to be standard, (but to be fair, has literally never been the way of things before).

I think they’re suggesting the inverse, that he’s attempting to personally profit off of the tragedy of his missing child to boost his channel.

But what if Harley failing is what makes some people smile?

For all the crackdowns they’ve done, the sketchy kiosk in the mall never seemed to run out of NES multicarts though the 90s and 2000s

I think most of the ones in my city do, I actually go to Sinclair specifically because they (at least the ones by me) don’t fucking do that.