
How many venues are there?

I guarantee that the budget was really low and the dev time is less than 1 year.

It was them at first, then blur midway, but Radiohead came out on top by the end of the 90’s

This is nothing compared to football fans in Europe.

This is why you don’t announce if you’re certain you can release it within 6 months. Look at Bethesda, COD franchise or even AC.

I think the problem with open world games is that you can control the pacing. Linear games have a more controlled setting and is easier conveying the story.

1st world problems. It’s a flying fist dude, not the second coming of Jesus. People who are really into spoiler free stuff are annoying.

Because Japan is dirty minded country that makes great anime and video games. You can’t justify their objectification when the country doesn’t have a problem with it.


I feel embarrassed to be a gamer sometimes. This is another example why are community is toxic. Hopefully he doesn’t get Swatted.

Any animators here can help me out? I’m also trying to do the same facial texture animation like the video, but I have no clue how to set it up in maya. I can rig but I have never touched on this before.

When they are tranq/knocked out, do they stay that way or is there a countdown for them to get up?

I feel the opposite, this is a game not a movie.

This is his OK COMPUTER, while MBDTF is his KID A

The youngest is 16, and he’s taking at least half a million home to his fam. It’s insane.

That was it? The preview gif pretty much summarizes the entire vid.

Question, I have a c drive and a d drive in my hdd, can I leave the d drive alone and not back it up since its’ just free space and windows is not on it? My important files and os are on the C partition. I’ve only got a couple movies and games there.

You should always wait a month or 2 after the initial launch to upgrade. There’s always some issues at launch and it’s best to wait for patches.

I like how she brought males into this situation

Is there a reason why they haven’t adapted to show the mechs in pseudo-3d? Unicorn did this and it looked great. I feel as an animator trying to draw these mechs in 2d and changing their poses while keeping the form looking clean is a pain in the ass.