Whoops. A Hong Kong Starbucks made one customer unhappy after totally screwing up a first name. Imagine that! A…
Whoops. A Hong Kong Starbucks made one customer unhappy after totally screwing up a first name. Imagine that! A…
You have skinny arms. You have fat arms. Your arms end in a lizard foot because you also have the body and head of a…
Having accomplished its goal of turning every teenager on Earth into a sext-crazed fiend, social media is now having…
Getting fingered at your gyno's office once a year is a typically awkward experience, but it turns out that it might…
A newish vanguard of more reasonable (or realistic) Republican donors is trying to catch up with history by funding…
Are juice cleanses the new, socially acceptable eating disorder? Marie Claire thinks they might be.
Earlier this morning, President Obama became the first sitting president to deliver a speech at Planned…
When Miriam Tucker attended a fundraiser luncheon celebrating the Tampa Women's Club 65th year, she didn't expect…
If you get on The Price Is Right, you don't want a dining set. You don't want a jacuzzi. You don't want to guess the…
Can't decide who you hate more? Justin Bieber or Joffrey Lannister Baratheon? With the excellent Joffrey Bieber Tumblr, there's no need to choose.
I'm telling you, there's no way that puppy actually ate that salad (unless it was made entirely of bacon) (SNAP)…
Alongside city health commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley, New York City Council speaker and mayoral candidate Christine…
Today in Ugh Florida WTF: a woman was accidentally shot in the jaw while driving to a shooting range. Yep.
If the only weightlifting you're doing is with your arms and legs, you are in for a real treat, because there's yet…
This supercut, lovingly compiled by the folks at WORN Journal, is a loving tribute to the bright hues and the…
This Nike t-shirt looks pretty different in light of last week's bombing. The shirts were printed to commemorate the…
The hospital gown of the future is finally here. Why did it take people this long for hospital gown manufactures to…
This Saturday, Nat Geo, a television channel we could all once delude ourselves into believing was at least three…
Listen up, future homeowners: unless you want to sound like a politically-incorrect asshole during your next…
Let's all raise a glass of champagne (or cup of coffee) in a celebratory toast in honor of New Zealand for becoming…