
Does anyone find this as concern troll-y as I do? Do we really need to be concerned with what sports women join? I think women are doing just fine deciding what they want. I think the bigger issue is the sexism in the sports industry and the fact that men playing sports get more attention than women, and the one

What a drama queen.

I think our culture blames lonely people for their loneliness. It certainly blames single people for being single or the jobless for being jobless. There is always the underlying idea that *you* must have done *something* wrong, because everyone knows that all normal people are not lonely or single or jobless. It's

Really impressed how a sort of interesting article about loneliness managed to inspire yet another rant about fatphobia.

First of all, to tie what appears to be a completely unrelated issue to obesity strikes me as total clickbait. Second, I don't think you want to draw this parallel do you? Most people would apparently view loneliness as an undesirable state, pity lonely people and would recommend that people cure it by taking steps to

I'm just pointing out that a violation of bodily integrity is (deservedly) viewed in a very, very negative light on this website. But its not entirely consistent. If this was an attempted sexual attack against a woman, there would be no jokes about the would-be rapist. If this was a husband trying to murder his

Gawker was always full of terrible puns, I fucking hate it. If this place is turning to that then I will hide in GT.

Honestly this website shocks me sometimes.

My friend was hit by a car and has a ghost bike that is decorated with her picture and flowers. It's not about living in constant grief but it's a reminder of the beautiful life she lived and the love everyone has for her. Your suggestions are fine but it's not your place or business to dictate what is an appropriate

So are you going to be going to all the parents that have lost children and telling them to "move on" a week after the funeral? I can only assume you are also a parent that has lost a child as well.

why is this family's grief any more important than anyone else's grief? do we all put up mementos of our loved ones? i think that there are better ways to memorialize someone without being narcissistic about it.

Hmmm, yeah, but taking over traffic signs and street "furniture" to create memorials is, in my view, not cool. Not safe, not visually pleasing, and even a little invasive. Yes, tragedies happen all the time around us, and, yes, people are entitled to mourn as they feels appropriate. But there are some unspoken limits

See that's my problem with academic Feminism you're only seeing half of the problem.

But in general these days, it is a bit easier for a woman who does "traditionally masculine" things to be more accepted than a man who does a lot of "traditionally feminine" things. A lot of people will still be criticizing the woman, yes, but those same people are going to be criticizing the man. There will be a lot

I think circumcision killed masculinity. How are you supposed to be a man when the tip of your penis, the pinneacle of your manhood has been taken from you when you were a defenseless baby ?

Dwell on it. Think on it.

A Boy who acts like a girl is seen as someone who is fraudulently partaking in behaviors and social norms that he's not entitled to (* crying, designing, baking, chatterboxing)

I think the supremacy of masculinity died for a different reason. In our culture "masculine" things have a much more narrow definition of acceptability than "feminine" things. Men can be masculine by being "manly" "badass" "in charge" and other things of that nature, where as it is becoming more prevalent for

Not everyone who favors the rough'n'tough male is a poor white supremacist...


I am kind of disgusted by how many people are offended by this. I think more men and women need to study the male as a male and not as the "default sex", the "everyone knows him already".