
The fact that Captain America is a period piece is brilliant. The fact that they are putting a lot of effort into the costumes & sets is reassuring. I'm kinda getting psyched, even though I'm not a big fan of Captain America, this looks solid.

Blockbuster failed to respond quickly enough to the OBVIOUS public response to Netflix style renting & streaming video.

@d_r_e: Quit mistaking feelings of nostalgia over actual quality of the source materiel.

All too easy...

"Eees like-a Sweese Knife-a"

I watched "Return Of The King" on TV the other night, and said a little prayer to Jebus that the Hobbit was in production, and that Sir Ian McKellan would return as Gandalf.

All kidding aside about the throwing stars, it is a strange coincidence that this story is coming right on it's heels.

@AreWeThereYeti: Well said. I couldn't put my finger on exactly why this thing sucks, but "worst of both worlds" sums it up.

The last time someone touched my screen, I almost broke their finger off out of pure reflex.

@Shawn Langlois: I know most comics show Supes as being pretty ripped, but muscles & great acting seldom go hand in hand.


That's why it's "Magical"

No wonder Chris Klein was snubbed by the Academy for this film.

This reminds me of something...

George Bush must have watched the Exorcist, thought it was a real documentary, and assumed that the Devil really does live in Northern Iraq.

Whatever...I still <3 Survivor!