
@Nasdaf: Same was like...some giant mad scientist electro-turbine gearing up for an intense lightning explosion...

Lost is dead to me....."theres a LIGHT! in a HOLE!...and the Island is like a CORK!.

@zrag: Ha buddy & I heard about the Upper Decker a few years ago, and keep trying to invent new "Poop Pranks"

Ever heard of the "Death Rattle"?

@Odin: The Magic Mouse is the best mouse Apple has ever put out. I use it for doing design & development all day, and it's fantastic.

He's smiling because he just took a major dump in their bathroom.

@Maori_Yelir: Dude, average temps this week for SF are in the High 50's-Low 60's at best.

Skrull Invasion. Hands down.

@Otacon91: Stream of consciousness. I have an active imagination.

You little shits. I needed that mixing bowl to make waffles this morning.

Being so thrilled by saving this family from foreclosure using the power of collectables, Superman becomes a full time Comic Book dealer.

@Stevox: I just skimmed your rant here, and all the server tech stuff went right over my head...BUT

@iTofu 3GS has no reception problems: Ha ha, not 12, but I do get all excited about a good Mac vs PC argument. I think that's half the reason Giz keeps cooking up these stories: To get us all bickering about it.

@Everybody: Yes, it's a true work of functional modern art.

It reminds me of a black, wedge shaped pencil sharpener I used to have.

Oh, and one more thing on this subject for all you Apple haters: Just remember to open that umbrella a bit wider to include the Windows Phone 7 marketplace.