

Before clicking on this story, my eyes were suddenly drawn to the rest of Gizmodo's page...where almost every available ad space was stamped with...wait for it...

Before clicking on this story, my eyes were suddenly drawn to the rest of Gizmodo's page...where almost every available ad space was stamped with...wait for it...

Kids Table @ Thanksgiving

@NaeemTHM: I'm going to say it to all these suckas when I get the Pimp White version...

"You know why I'm smart & you're stupid?"

Now playing

Just so Y'all know...SQUARESPACE is the one Jedi amongst these 4 other stormtroopers. It has literally changed the way I work as a designer/developer, it has made web design fun again, and the final product is rock-solid.

I recently stumbled upon an action figure series that was recently issued that create some of these McQuarrie concepts as actual figures!!! Wicked Cool.

Jose was BRILLIANT. I could type the word BRILLIANT as many times as you see BLINDNESS typed on the book jacket above, and still fall a few short.

@mkirkland: The book is A-MAZING. One of the best written commentaries on human nature I have ever read.

@Iina.Beana: It might have made your day...but it just made me have to do an emergency load of laundry.

I just Tronned in my pants

@Vexxarr: Good points...I just want to see more original ideas coming out of the creative industries, and maybe take a longer break between genre films...a film like "28 Days" was a revelation...but it's echoes are still reverberating...

@StanislausBabalistic: Wow, great response, and you said a lot of what I was thinking about the body/mortality/fear connections. I know there are deep seated reasons why we keep coming back to this stuff, I would just like to see something new & original idea.

Zombies & Vampires are PLAYED THE FUCK OUT ALREADY.


Dude. This is an unconfirmed report of an unconfirmed test:

Society is Sexist.