I know this is incorrect, but I’ve already stored his character’s name in my head as Professor Drake Drakelton ...
I know this is incorrect, but I’ve already stored his character’s name in my head as Professor Drake Drakelton ...
OA’s are too damn tired for all the angst . . .
That is what makes it the most io9 ass comment ever. I fucking loved that show and I have never encountered an online community more into said show that io9.
Carol invited herself, but they were all too uncomfortable to say anything.
You are being watched. The government has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because I built it.
When he said that, I was like, “Psh, Steve didn’t even have a special helmet when he jumped on a grenade. Boo this man!”
In many ways John Walker is a lot like Steve. He wants to help people and make the world better. He believes in the ideas of America and wants people to believe in them too. He wants to be the hope Steve was. He jumped on top of grenades. And he got really good at throwing that Shield fast (the way he saved…
Honestly, I trust James Gunn more than I ever did Snyder or Ayer.
Death is such a primitive concept. I prefer to think he’s acting in another dimension.
“Me? Die? And miss all the excitement?”
While it has undoubtedly produced some ace flicks - aside from the ones mentioned in the review, Straw Dogs and Falling Down spring to mind - each day’s headlines move us further away from “Ostensibly normal white man has a bad day, goes apeshit” as a tenable movie pitch.
Kumail booked a Marvel movie and spent the pandemic chillin’ with his wife. Don't lump him in with Sex Offender Alley because he works out. Who cares if he used PEDs? He didn't hurt anyone.
ha ha....
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
It actually doesn’t. Vibranium absorbs the kinetic energy from impacts, amplifies it, and then releases it back the way it came. This means that unlike regular projectiles where ricocheting off a surface robs them of most of their kinetic energy, the shield actually gains more speed and energy with every ricochet.…
The development for Dinah and Cheyenne in particular this season without the show having to revolve around Amy has been very enjoyable and overdue, to me
I went from wondering how on earth this show could work without her to wondering if I even liked her character (at least for the past few seasons). This last season has been a great return to form and I think showed how her arc had been more or less done and treading water for a while. I really wish they could keep…