Yes!! I've been watching Who since the Third Doctor and I agree completely with you.
Yes!! I've been watching Who since the Third Doctor and I agree completely with you.
I want one of these. And I want to name it Baby (Yes, born-and-bred Australians are allowed to make that kind of tasteless joke. It's a national birthright.)
Oh now that would be a very interesting and awesome take on Bond (I'd also love to see Idris Elba as the Doctor up against Tom Hiddleston's The Master. Hee hee hee.)
I think I've watched this trailer about ten times already since finding it last night....and now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go watch it again. Oh, and I could so see Colin Firth as James Bond. An older Bond, for sure, but still a suave, sexy, menacing Bond.
This is exactly who I thought of when I saw the comic image. In the words of another sic-fi icon, Make it so!!
There are so many clever, profound and funny commenters here at io9 whose awesomeness forever seem lost in the grey...
The US remake of The Ring. I sat and waited and waited and waited for the frights to start. The only time I felt emotionally...stirred...was when the ****SPOILER? Maybe?****horse jumped off the ferry.
Hmmm....I think I need to give this show another go... (Yes, I am that shallow at times)
Damn, that is an awesome promo shot for the show. Have never seen it before. Unfortunately, it makes me ache for new episodes that will never come. *sigh*
The movie Jaws wasn't, in my opinion, about the shark but about man's reaction to a situation and how that situation revealed the true nature of the characters we were introduced to throughout the film, leading up to Bruce's big reveal.
I agree, Paul. I watch the show in Australia (legally, at that!) and yet I'm not allowed to watch a trailer for it because of where I live? *sigh*
So apparently Australia is safe? Yay!!
Your Blackadder reference warms my heart greatly. Thank you.
Just scooped two of these guys out of our backyard pool. We have a ritual here my family call "The Spider Walk" where we circle the pool a few times just to be sure there's not a funnel web or two sitting on the floor of the pool in their tiny little air bubble. They can (and WILL) bite you if you are silly enough to…
I did the exact same thing!
This. And when he stood up...even more THIS!
Ahhhh, gotcha. Thank you again. My little geek self appreciates it greatly. Shall need to do some searching to find another seller. Unfortunately, Amazon won't ship this item to Australia (*insert frustrated fist waving and cursing here*)
Awesome reply, Billy. Thank you so much.
I've never read a Deadpool comic. Can someone point me in the direction to start, please? Everything I see of him online, whether it be a cosplayer or fan art, makes him look like my kind of guy. I'd love to dive into the Deadpool...pool
I know this wasn't filmed in Australia, but I'm assuming it's still SET in Australia (am I correct in that assumption?) and seriously, like everything in Australia, the dust storms are mean and brutal and trying to kill you. Seriously.