
Another former infantryman here - and I completely agree. Who knew we were such a progressive bunch! Seriously though, if advocating for the rights of a historically oppressed ethnic group to which you belong is a “partisan” political issue then we need to seriously reconsider how we define the word. I don’t see

He’s not a cadet. He’s a former enlisted soldier.

Which is largely irrelevant to that question.

Old, white, retired career Army officer here (infantry)...I do not see ANY partisan aspect to this photograph. It’s a non-problem, and it will fade away pretty quickly.

I shared an office with Chad. Chad was pretty sure the number of handguns in the US was why the US has not had any recent land invasions. Chad gonna Chad.

You equating BLM with Nazism says all there is to know about you.

It’s insanity, it wasn’t political, it was a statement of pride in their considerable accomplishment. It was a sign that despite all odds they, as women and black women, can accomplish anything, despite the odds. And as usual, the odds makers have to try and break them down. Successful black women, strong American

that’s what his wife told me

I’m so glad I’m not alone on that font thing. I thought this said POP-LIP when I saw the original piece. Even looking at it now, knowing it says Pop-UP, it still looks like Lip to me.

Yeah. I used to love college football. No particular team, though—I didn’t go to a football school. Then a bunch of things happened. There was the girl at Notre Dame that was raped, the school protected the football player rapist, and she killed herself. Then Sandusky. Those wins that were vacated were reinstated by

Uh, no. Penn State Football is much more important. You can transfer a priest to another diocese, but a good defensive coordinator? They don't grow on trees, you know.

This wouldn’t be so surprising if the media hadn’t cherry-picked that Sally Jenkins interview and taken Paterno out of context.

So reminiscent of the Catholic Church.

Donald Trump is flying back to Pittsburgh to be with Joe Paterno during this trying time.

SMU alum/fans should be forever livid over this. Talk about your insitutional failings. Coaches and ADs knew and kept it under wraps for over thirty years.

“Who said you can’t achieve sainthood while looking the other way when kids are being molested?”

But they won a lot of football games.

Those hoofbeats you hear are the legions of PSU homers coming to defend Saint Joe’s honor. (I’m persona non grata among many of my fellow PSU grads because I dared to ask them if they would be so forgiving if it happened to one of their kids.)

I can’t wait to see the next round of mental gymnastics Joe Pa stans use to justify this shit. JOE PA WAS A SAINT

Sure, all true. But Trump’s potential genius is marrying that carefully curated GOP racism with populist economics.