
He wakes up in the morning, turns off his alarm. "Hurry downstairs or you will be late to work again!", says his mom.

What the fuck did i just read? I have no idea what any of that stuff would even begin to look like...

Hey Nintendo. Nice to talk with you. And frankly, I love what you're saying here.

It boggles my mind Nintendo can't make a new Star Fox game. Period. I mean when was the last time they had a true new Star Fox game? 8 years ago. That's 8 years too long.

Yep, that's right.

"Cryboys" is the official jab.

Also... a liberal... in Texas... I'm guessing you're from Austin?

(As your political opposite I'm required to tell you to go back to your abortioning and pot smokining and communistic tendencies you dirty demoncrat. Failure to do so could result in my membership being

My main issue with nintendo isn't that they never make new IP's, but that they have SO MANY IP'S THAT THEY DO NOTHING WITH. How long has it been since we've seen a NEW Star Fox game? (not that BS they put on GC and the remake on the 3DS doesn't count). Or a new Metroid? Whatever happened to Jet Force Gemini? They

You should probably get that checked out.

That would be my wife! It is a double standard though, she can watch TV when she gets home from work to her heart's content, but if I want to go to my gaming TV and play for a while, its an issue. Women!


There's something in those trees.

Gaben spends time on the worst website on the Internet?

10/10 Would bang

Next game series that needs some love: Star Fox! The most noteworthy game (oh wait, the ONLY game) to come out in the series in the past 6 years is a goddamn remake.

Whatever. He doesn't even have a tan!

My PC it's ready...

as for Destiny?

My PS4 is ready...

"This video is private."