
Where's the update that shuts him the hell up? Y u do dis Patricia?!

it is so painful to listen to man! My goodness he sounds like someone I use to work with.

Why is it over when Shane is using the GIF for his post?

get wii u for the awesome groupon refurb price with game for 200 bucks

A plumber doesn't make a good chef nintendo!

You are on a freaking roll dude

Did you ask about any final fantasy games coming too????

Nintendo has won

it looks amazing and fun to watch. I cannot wait for this game!

Ugh, get a haircut.

you can't even right now?

I just want a freaking good story and gameplay. Make this happen ubi

Over? Bro, it just begun!

we need more fat people in games.

Dude, no

Wow she reminds me of aika and her boomerang from skies of arcadia

so you want to pay for the game and a sub fee on top of the online service consoles charge? Xbox or ps4?

I want to say they compress and clip shit to make it work on consoles. They might hit a bug or 100 doing so.

or a game breaking glitch that autosaves from which you can never reload out of Fallout new vegas I'm looking at you.

I love it.