
I noticed the guys standing have a certain skin tone.

I’ve heard people trying to defend McNair’s remarks as “something that people say all the time.” The thing is, I’ve never heard “inmates running the prison.” It’s always been “inmates running the asylum,” as in bat-shit psychotic patients attempting to run their psychiatric hospital. That being the case, his use of

I’ve lived in Houston for almost 20 years and successfully not given a shit about the Texans since they came into existence. I’m now a fan. Fuck McNair.

Wow, it’s almost like the protests, like the national anthem itself, have nothing to do with the troops and everything to do with the dehumanization of black people. Who knew!

Jesus Christ. I am an EMT and just about spit my beer up reading this. ANYONE halfway trained in emergency medicine would have put him on a spinal board and transported him with sirens to a hospital asap. Sitting upright in a fucking van?!?

I don’t even live in the US (yet) and I am livid. So they take away your insurance, if you can afford insurance you might still have to pay extra for birth control, sex ed is supposed to be removed from school from what I’ve heard, so women are supposed to keep their legs closed but at the same time they should cater

Alas, you’re probably preaching to the choir, here, because I doubt anyone on Jezebel is banging dudes who would have supported this in the first place.

I was just going to comment that for both of my wanted and planned pregnancies, I didn’t see a positive test until I was almost 6 weeks pregnant (a full week after my missed period) AND I knew I *could* be pregnant since we were trying. It would be so fucking easy, especially if you have irregular periods, to be 6+

Silly rabbit, bans only work on abortion rights and drugs, nothing else!

So the right to an abortion is a clearly established, decades-long constitutional right. Can you imagine the fucking outcry if some Democrat introduced a bill to ban all firearms?

They only reason they haven’t is because Mango Unchained has hasn’t assigned Ambassadors to most countries, and there’s no one there to fuck things up.

He’s trying to remove the sexual harassment angle. Also notice he claims to have complimented a man in his apology.

You are not Scott Brown from New Hampshire anyway, damn carpet-bagger can fuck right off with that!

None of that is necessary; if she chooses to have the child and the child is born on US soil, then the child is automatically a US citizen. Her citizenship or the father’s is irrelevant. We have birthright citizenship in this country.

I dont get it. Does the DOJ think all these undocumented pregnant minors are crossing the border because they want abortions or because they want anchor babies? How can there be an “interest in promoting childbirth” when theres also an interest in killing DACA? Are we literally trying to create new babies for ICE to

“strong and constitutionally legitimate interests in promoting childbirth”

the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, the organization managing the girl’s welfare

This in a nutshell is the GOP platform. Rail against “anchor babies” unless they’re going to be aborted, then they’re all for them, because what they hate more than “illegals” is a woman making decisions for herself.