Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

If they made it wireless, then you would complain about the classic controller costing $40-$45 instead of the $20-$25 it currently costs. Making it wireless would raise the price quite a bit.

Then you would complain about that.

Of course I use a landline. I would be stupid not to. When the power goes out, or the internet is down, or the cell towers overwhelmed with people trying to call others to see if they are okay, my landline will still work while my cellphone will not. You are stupid for putting all your reliance into one tool or

Fuck man, give credit to Retromags when you rip off one of their cover scans to use in a post. Jesus Christ.

People will still find out. Everyone seems to forget what things were like before the internet came along. Things were still witnessed and people still found things out.

Or, just don't bother with any of it because it's stupid.

I'll answer: I pick left. While the right has two holes to use, the left has one hole which is far more interactive than the two on the right, plus a nice set of knockers to play with and to use as a faux second hole.

This is what should be done to every person, teen, adult, or kid, whose whole life is the Internet. How else can you give pathetic people like that a chance to not waste their life in front of some stupid piece of shit gadget all day every day?

Yes, it is. It's short for Penelope.

Mac is acceptable because it's a proper name; short for Mackenzie. The rest are just stupid tech words.

Well, at least your time would be better spent than writing for this site.

Mmm...Zooey Deschanel could use a nice, good fisting. She's hot.

I still don't get the purpose of Twitter. Why do you need to know what your friends had for lunch? Why do they need to share everything with people?

Good to see a fellow darkie has some great luck in life. I hope he enjoys the rest of his life to the fullest. Congrats, my jigaboo brother!

So what is the big deal exactly? It's just the Internet. Why do people act like this is a huge problem and the end of the world? Did people forget that no Internet is how things used to be, and people got along just fine?

Probably true, but incredibly stupid. It's just the Internet. People should worry about more important things.

Exactly. Or those who use it when they could just as easily do the effect physically.

They seem to be exclusive to Canada. I have had them before, and as far as the "chocolate" part of it goes, it's not that great.

Of course they can't. They are at the bottom of the barrel of tech writing.

Except the Macbook Air doesn't have a touchscreen, bitch.