Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

I assume most people read to for the in-depth features rather than the reviews. Official magazines often get stories and first looks at games before anyone else does, including little sites like this one.

If it's the Official Playstation Magazine, then it is indeed affiliated with the company. It can't be official without Sony's blessing.

Awesome pictures. The upside to this storm is that it gives us something interesting to look at and read about.

Oh no! Half a pound! That's far too much for the weaklings on this site!

This is probably the first smart thing this site has ever done.

Is it too much to ask that you get off your ass once every four years to go and vote?

That's what people like you call truth that you don't like hearing.

I see part of its upper reach is over Toronto. Those sissies better get ready to call in the army in case they get an inch of snow.

Far from it. Being honest doesn't make someone a "troll". You cunts need to stop throwing that word around so much anytime you disagree with someone.

Fuck yeah, motherfuckers! Power of Illusion!

Pre-ordered this bitch yesterday. Been using 8 since March. This will be my first non-pirated OS. Hooray!

So. What?

Who is this mini targeting anyways? People are buying those smaller tablets because they are cheap and they don't want to spend what an iPad costs. And the mini is still quite a bit more than a $200 Amazon tablet.

Now that I think about it, that seems entirely possible. There are only a few scenes where it had to be CGI, and they aren't that long.

Because I tell the truth? Is that what society has come to? You're bad because you're honest?

" Who wanted a tablet before the iPad?"

Q1: You're a slut.

Yeah right. $2000 for a tiny laptop? Why don't I just flush the money down the toilet.

That makes it even hotter.

then you'll be waiting a life time.