Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

So the Like count increases, but your account never "Liked" it since you can still click on the button to like it. And that means it won't show up in your list of stuff you like, so WHO FUCKING CARES?

Seriously? They'll be exactly like the "big" iPad (and I use "big" loosely since I find the iPad too small). I think you have mental problems.

This post isn't news. It's speculation and fawning over a miniature version that will be identical to what is already available.

DVDs might be dying, but Blu-ray is alive and well, and growing.

How stupid can you be? You want a phone to fail...why? It's just a stupid phone.

No. Why?

Based on all the content that is on it. Just about all of it is copyrighted material that is being pilfered by torn-downs. And free speech has nothing to do with taking content that isn't yours.

The sky was not designed around our needs. Get real.

Apparently farm fresh beef doesn't taste good at all, which is why it's aged. I can't confirm that, but I have heard it several times from several different places.

Well, it is in their best interest after all. They want to serve good, safe food, and want to avoid bad publicity and lawsuits.

It's a good thing McDonald's Canada doesn't get it's beef from Texas.

Including your young, nymphet daughter?

It is still something owned by someone else. Not paying for it is stealing, plain and simple.

Because more Americans say "eh" than Canadians.

Why? Does Apple do the decent thing and not use overseas slave labor to make their crap? No, they don't. So fuck them.

Hardly. He screwed Apple over. And screwing Apple over is always a good thing, especially when they don't make their phones durable. Glass? Really?

What about when it happens when there is no sun involved?

What about when they are taking pictures AT NIGHT and still get that purple flare? I know you didn't read the article, but it appears you didn't even look at all the photos, none of which are blinded by sunlight.

If they would try this setup again, but instead making the effect look like you are peering into a View Master, I would buy it in a minute.

That's the way it should be.