Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

Read the article, you cunt.

I only clicked the article to express my wish that the wax figure gets cancer too.

I'm glad he's dead, that prick.

If there is any justice in the world, the wax figure will die of cancer too.

Go tell that to the terrorists. I mean the Muslims.

Why don't you use his proper name? People who give themselves nicknames that they want used by others in real life are the most pathetic idiots that exist.

If you drop your phone into distilled water, it will continue to work just fine. So make sure that any water you are ever around is distilled :)


And there is nothing better that 100+ acres of land could be used for than to power some computers?

Media that comes on a disc, such as Blu-ray, DVD, CD, opposed to media that comes on paper (books and magazines), tape (old school cassettes), or digital download where you pay for something but don't actually own it.

I think in 30 years when you look back on this time, you'll regret spending/wasting so much time on video games and the Internet instead of doing a countless number of other things. there is nothing wrong with either of those things, but when they are your life, I don't know. that seems a bit much.

Yet in this case, they don't. Blu-ray sales continue to grow, so it's obvious that this site is wrong and was wrong every time they said physical media is dying. They are out of touch.

If the internet if your lifeline, you need to get out more. that is no way to live.

At least you guys smartened up and realized that you are the tiny majority of the population and that most people still use disc media.

The Swiss one is the wrong shape. The Swiss flag is square. It's only the naval flag that is rectangular.

Do you think the kid cares? Were you abused as a child and that's why you can't enjoy a nice story about a father and his kid without being a prick and trying to spoil things?

Four-year-olds don't care about money. They care more about their toys.

And yet, instead of mounting the panels on the roof and sides of the data center, they clear-cut/wasted grassland on all those panels. There is better use for land than covering it in solar panels, including just leaving it the way it is.

"Fail" on your behalf. Gravity pulls everything at the same speed. Drop your iPhone and drop a cinder block, and they will fall at the same speed. The only factor that will affect whether the phone breaks or not is the angle it hits the ground.

Fun fact: they were all women, including your mom. Ask her why she can no longer hold it in when she has to shit, and she'll tell you that it was me who stretched her asshole to kingdom come.