Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

That's all within the last year or two. Before that readership was going up.

Sorry, Bitch. but if I was given the choice of lengthy prison time and not seeing my family, or ratting out a bunch of idiots I knew online, not only would I rat them out, but I would make stuff up about even more people to save my ass. Family comes first. People you know online don't matter one bit.

So you would accept lots of time not seeing your kids growing up to protect some dimwits you know online?

Nintendo doesn't seem to know how to promote itself anymore. Having Future pay THEM for the license to publish a magazine all about Nintendo seems like a no-brainer. Yet apparently they have no brains.

"...that just wants a president who's going to make sure women are back in the kitchen where they belong. "

If you're addicted to the Internet and/or the World Wide Web, it just means you're pathetic.

The first thing I thought when I saw their new logo is that men can no longer drink it without seeming dainty or gay (not that there's anything wrong with that last part). It's just too wimpy and dainty. I miss the 1980s logo and the 1990s logo.

I was never a huge fan of Game Players. I was always a GamePro guy, and I would buy EGM about 5-6 times a year. Nothing beat EGM's massive issues around Christmas.

I never read it 10 years ago. I only started in 2008, and it suited me fine. It was fun, whimsical and informative. It was nice to have a game magazine that was actually fun to read again.

If your only source for game news is online, then yes, you have to be tethered to a gadget in order to read up on the stuff. I like magazines because it allows me to get away from the gadgets and tech and just sit quietly and read.

It's got no style. Most logos these days don't. At least the 1987 one had some style to it and wasn't a plain font being passed as a logo.

Yup: http://www.nintendopower.com/

I just saw this the other week when watching old episodes of WWF Wrestling Challenge from 1993.

Cover image courtesy or Retromags. Funny how no one is crediting that site for the scan all these articles are using.

It's really a stupid move by Nintendo to not renew the license with Future US. No other magazine on the stand gives Nintendo any kind of decent coverage. Everthing is about stupid shooters and stupid violent games. A game for a Nintendo console may get a mention or preview, but it's usually limited to a couple of

No, just Nintendo's for not wanting to renew the license with Future.

Yes. You'll get a refund for any outstanding issues after December 2012.

Nintendo doesn't publish Nintendo Power. They haven't for 5 years. They are just being lazy and stupid by not renewing the license that Future US has with them to make an official magazine.

Passing the time away from a computer or stupidphone. Getting back to basics and just relaxing and reading.

You seem to be confusing gaming magazines for magazines in general. Magazine readership overall is higher than it was a decade ago. It's the gaming magazine sector that is hurting. Regular magazines are doing just fine.