Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

He didn't state it in this review.

What version did you review? Since the final version isn't out until October 26, did you manage to get your hands on a copy early (how?)? If not, should you really be reviewing the Release Preview version as though it's the final version just to be the first to give a review?

That jump up in 1994 was due to the reduction of taxes on tobacco products, if I remember correctly.

No big deal. Canada has had graphic warnings for over a decade. They now take up 50% of the package, though brand logos and colours can still be used. However, in Ontario, retailers are not allowed to display the packages anymore. They are all behind shelf doors.

You mean that piece-of-shit giant cock of a hipster?

Makes sense. Law enforcement tactics have to evolve with technological changes. I have no problem with this.

Pro-nukers, simply because it is very clear that you are anti-nuke since you conveniently left out creation of isotopes for medical treatment under the pros. You only listed negative things. You also left out that incidents like Chernobyl and Three Mile Island were caused by human error, not the system itself.

Yeah, showing that while there will be mutations now, things will heal themselves over time. This fuckushard thing isn't that big of a deal.

I guess he learned from his mistakes creating Gizmodo when he created the superior Engadget.

Do enough people still fly to even warrant a plane of this size? I don't know who could afford to fly with the ridiculous prices. Your ticket is $300, and the airport fees and taxes are an additional $320.

Except in Chernobyl, species living in the area are thriving and are not mutant. Wired did an article on it in their June 2011 issue (maybe May or July...one of those three).

That's actually quite cute.

Since when is using "Japs" racist or bigoted? It's sort for Japanese. There is nothing wrong with the term Japs. Nips, on the other hand, is derogatory.

Too bad Gamer's Edge in Penticton, British Columbia isn't open anymore. I would have loved to experience The Gord.

Why would they? Do you think everyone spends all day online like you, following everyone and everything? I never heard of this fat cunt before today.

And they had the gall to use the words "professional" and "journalism" in the posting for an intern. Too funny.

He had no business racing in the real Olympics. They've set of the Paralympics for amputees and cripples like him. If it was his arms that were amputated, that would be different. But because it's his legs, and his legs are the main body part used for this event, he should not have been allowed to compete.

A lot of times their headlines are not proper headlines either.

They can make mistakes if they want, but they cannot make mistakes and call themselves journalists at the same time (regurgitating a story from another site doesn't make you a journalist). Or professionals. Some of the stuff they put out is of an amateur level, be it the multitude of mistakes they make, or the

I was an extra once for an HBO movie called Vendetta that was being filmed in Toronto while I lived there during college around 1998. It sucked. I was there for about 8 hours, 7.5 of that sitting around waiting for the police station scene to be filmed. Out of the half hour spent on the set, it was for about 15