
The world does not exist without Clarkson!

If he didn't cut his he'd have a Shakira-size bed head ages ago. Lol.

Guy probably had rider fatigue and got target fixtated, riding into the obstacle instead of doing an emergency stop.

This is one reason why I never, ever ride in a 'relaxed' state. Always be prepared to e-brake or dodge incoming.

Yes I am one of those folk who ride in full armor or don't ride at all.

The last time I fell was in riding school and thankfully I attended class in my BDUs (I was in the military then) and the longest leather gloves I could wear without looking weird.

I suffered totally no injuries despite my fair share of high speed

Even the lower budget fullface helmets like the HJC CL-ST series offer more protection (and comfort) than open-face helms.

I don't get why everyone tells me a full face is uncomfortable, hot etc etc. I prefer having a FF helm on because of the better aerodynamics at high speed, comfortable fitting, and that feeling of

Panic. Being a m/c rider myself I also know that long riding duration and/or rider fatigue can cause impaired reactions to impending danger.

Riding straight into the lowered barrier instead of emergency braking or taking evasive action for instance.

I agree completely. That is some impressive engineering.

If you drink, don't drive.
Ride a horse.

Can tires achieve self-awareness?
Can they rebel against unsatisfactory driving?
What would the world be like if all tires in the world staged an uprising?

Would we be forced to ride on pedrails instead?

Mazda's redneck interpretation of the Audi R18's giant fin.

That's not a car it's a video game console. LOL

I've never driven a Subaru but that cruise stalk looks very intuitive and easy to operate.

Totally no mistaking its function and no button hunting required.

Are phasers set to kill?

I have posted this before and I will post it again.

Wow I love that evilness.

Oh my, that font... how very Nationalistic and Socialist. lol.

Who needs a name when everyone would be left in the dust behind those awesome fat tires anyway? They won't be able to see it...

This is to me the most badass badge ever.

1935 D U E S E N B E R G Mormon Meteor

This is my favorite of well, everything in the comments! Monolithic and authoritative.

Hilarious. And Sir Branson has a sense of humor to do all this.

I crossdress on a regular basis (read: daily, at work) for cosplay & cultural awareness reasons. It's all in good fun. I play the part much better and don't look so out of place though. Hahahaha!