If you drink, don't drive.
Ride a horse.
If you drink, don't drive.
Ride a horse.
That's not a car it's a video game console. LOL
I've never driven a Subaru but that cruise stalk looks very intuitive and easy to operate.
Totally no mistaking its function and no button hunting required.
Wow I love that evilness.
Oh my, that font... how very Nationalistic and Socialist. lol.
Who needs a name when everyone would be left in the dust behind those awesome fat tires anyway? They won't be able to see it...
This is my favorite of well, everything in the comments! Monolithic and authoritative.
Hilarious. And Sir Branson has a sense of humor to do all this.
I crossdress on a regular basis (read: daily, at work) for cosplay & cultural awareness reasons. It's all in good fun. I play the part much better and don't look so out of place though. Hahahaha!
I used to have a HUD projector on the windshield of my motorcycle a long time ago.
It was incredibly fun but in the end all I needed out of the HUD was the digital speedo readout and anything else was just a distraction lol.
Yeah! When I saw that cockpit and seat, all I could think about was an F-22 Raptor or something.
This is indeed very cool. The deer head on the final deadly missile is poetic justice!
They should make a video game out of this. Or a mod of GTA or something.
Lol that is funny. Since I am 'two wheels bad' my better half knows much more about cars than I do. She does her own maintenance on her Jeep. No shop manuals or prior experience as a mech, just powered by Google search.
This. I always wondered why local mechanics insisted on tightening everything on my motorcycle so tight that the bolts had to be replaced almost every other servicing. And these were non structurally crucial bolts too.
This gave me more than enough motivation to do the wrenching myself, just so I can ensure proper…
How did the man's clothes not catch fire? Might have been soaked in water beforehand for the stunt?
It's real.
It was a Harlem Shake attempt, with homemade pyrotechnics that blew up in their face and the reactions as Patrick stated, were pure and utter panic. No fire control equipment was in place besides dirty rags and a few bottles of water.
They obviously never expected their silly setup to BLOW UP because they had…