This lap is just otherworldly. The sheer speed at which he deftly handles impossible cornering angles, passing traffic at what must be twice their speed (the last two in the pack?).
This lap is just otherworldly. The sheer speed at which he deftly handles impossible cornering angles, passing traffic at what must be twice their speed (the last two in the pack?).
I'm a person of Chinese descent and found it hilarious! lol
You also forgot the most awesome use of explosives to date:
Yes. Microsleep is really deadly.
Good one! Very dangerous!
Not only is the shooter not benefiting from any cover offered by the vehicle itself, she is vulnerable to being thrown off by the laws of physics! Unsafe vehicular combat tactic :D
Fall asleep.
On a motorcycle.
I've actually had microsleep happen to me before, in broad daylight. Yes, it was on a motorcycle too. I put my visor up, valiantly fought off a sudden wave of tiredness, kept myself alert by checking mirrors and blindspots 5x more than usual, and still it happened.
One moment I was on this…
He means that new-fangled fantasy madness of "internal combustion" doesn't he? What witchcraft is that!
I'll stick with my horse drawn carriages too thank ye kindly sir!
Can I just put the Moon in the window and full burn for 5 minutes? LOL
Yes I think this video explains the "CG aft over limit" situation much more clearly. Loss of control appears to begin immediately after rotation...
The other thing that's troublesome to large aircraft is the sink rate and momentum combined. They would likely need a very huge amount of altitude to recover from a stall.
The stacks must be hungry and are now crawling all over the place.
Mom I told you playing Angry Birds with real trucks was a bad idea.
LOL! That is actually artistic.
Oh my, this made my day.
The only reason why I like the interior (in a passing, "wow" manner) is that it reminds me of the JJ Abrams Star Trek props.
Just needs lens flares all over the place when you drive it.
My thoughts exactly!!