Captain China,
Captain China,
True that, but expose them to Western culture and things will pick up in a few decades, when people have to gradually shift to becoming accountable for themselves and others and not be self centered pacifists they were brought up to be.
Hidden social revolution is already underway in South East Asia where I am thanks…
Yes I live in that region of the world and indeed when everyone wants to be the submissive party, even simple disputes and ethics can be as horrendous as shown above. "Social responsibility" can be missing in almost all aspects of life if not personally enforced at every turn.
I confirm the passenger (wife?) said "Zhou La!" in reply to the driver.
Zhou La = Lets GO!
Way to go for Chinese values eh...
Just how 'inaudible' is a siren blaring at 100++ decibels? Enclosed streets (big time echo effect) plus bright flashing lights would make it noticeable to all but the stillest of human vegetables.
There are people in Asia who think cars magically avoid pedestrians.
Dashcams are becoming unofficially mandatory items for any serious driver where I live (Singapore).
There are a lot of inexpensive and decent HD car cameras that can be imported from Hong Kong on the cheap.
Even if a permanent dashcam an older smartphone can record good enough footage for 'insurance purposes' so long…
Actually I wouldn't mind that if I send a vehicle off to the shop.
I usually hang around the shop to DIY things or assist in repairs (as my bed hair permits) but sometimes I run out of things to do besides eat and talk to bike club members.
So, someone should totally open a hair salon next to the auto works area here.
Should I call Mr. Stark, sir?
Take pieces of the interior trim on and off!!
LOL. Even made in china shitboxes are not as bad as this... (Actually, some of the newer shitboxes are actually.... not too bad!)
I would love to combine them for All-Russian Road Rage movie action!
What do we call this new film industry? Vodkawood?
Just be cautious when the guy pulls out an extended-mag Glock 17 from his jacket.
This kind of refusal to share/give right of way to each other is why I refuse to drive a car in Asia. Crazy as it sounds being two wheels bad is much safer as I can easily evade the crates jockeying for position then split lanes to infinity and beyond.
Someone should do a reality TV show using latest Russian dashcam footage.
It's more entertaining than 90% of the crap on TV right now anyway.
I think the real concern is 'too much info' which can distract the average person.
I love the appearance and the super high driving position. Ultimate 'party command center'
That would totally rock. Put some big speakers on top. Just watch them bridges...
This sounds totally awesome :D