Oh look, another bleak indie survivial game for the PC. Only this one has...isometric visuals? And a helper robot?…
Oh look, another bleak indie survivial game for the PC. Only this one has...isometric visuals? And a helper robot?…
“All-digital is the future! Anyone who has concerns over an always-online system and DRM policies that curb consumer rights is obviously an ignorant Luddite.”
The line for crow stew forms over there.
EDIT: Selphie... i get it.
I’m not sure why you posted this, but you reminded me I want to replay this.
Wanna be an artist? This tutorial for Nintendo’s adorable yellow Pokémon can definitely help.
If by 3, they mean 6 then no this is accurate.
That’s how you make everyone sad.
Is the main title image supposed to be “The Force A-bacons”?
No matter who you kill in Westerado, the story keeps going. Even if you kill a main character.