It makes me sadder to think that as a Persian/Ashkenazi man married to an Asian-American, I hardly get so much as a glance. It shows how marginalized black people remain in American society. Ugh.
It makes me sadder to think that as a Persian/Ashkenazi man married to an Asian-American, I hardly get so much as a glance. It shows how marginalized black people remain in American society. Ugh.
I am half Jewish and I was once asked what it was like "being half Jewish, half normal?", if I got shit for being mixed race when I am obviously just white I can't imagine what life is like for kids of dual heritage.
I have been thinking a lot about my children lately, and not even in a “is my period late?!” sort of way, like…
Just look how this cute critter bows. This Japanese deer must be so polite. All Japanese deer must be so polite. Ha.…
I can see it now. 20 years later, she's upset, and says to herself "What's the cow say? Moo."
Rapture Pokemon Ads
First, there were Pokemon travel posters that advertised vacation locales around Kanto. Now Chuz0r adds to that…
Virginia, illegal to use radar detectors.
There goes Sony's chance of locking Quantic Dream as their first party!!! They might even lose their second party contract. Are the French easily offended? David Cage'd be like: "You fell asleep?!? Partnership over!!!"
I love how they used the dudes pool.
The Ruskies sure go to the beach in style.
I did not know hovercrafts of that size exist
Haha WTF is that thing owned by Cobra?
Here's a Vine, via Alex Stack: