The only legendary that I care about.
That guy they're looking for, with the panties on his head? Yeah, apparently he's making a movie.
Of all the people that have given me handjobs, I maintain that the ones given by me were the best.
I have a PS4 pre-ordered, and absolutely hate Xone, so I will be your demo:
The issue that the Xbox one and the PS4 seem to be having is that: Only sheeple truly care about graphics. Better graphics just causes a shallower(sic) experience. For what? immersion? Hahahahaha! Games that are like 10 years old are more immersive then the crap released this gen. I've felt more immersed in games…
To be fair you have to careful with food being sold on the street in almost every country.
It's mixed with the hot gal selling it?