I'm like your own little Gitmo detainee, Cheney-kun. You can do whatever you want with me, no questions asked...

I'm moving to Japan, they're way more fun when it comes to fan-girling over video games.

Why are there so many old ladies here? Did their sons beg them to stand in line like because they're so damn lazy? My grandparents would cut a switch if they found out I stood in a long queue just for a $600 thing that doesn't cure sickness.

"I feel poopy"

I see they found another use for those Xbox E3 event armbands then.

Danganronpa might just be the reason I get a Vita TV when it comes out.

Jason called that review before video games were invented.

This is not a bear-rabbit-angel thing. It is a little girl, it is a cartoon character, it is a friend, but it is not a bear-rabbit-angel thing.

I'm beary pleased about it too.

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair is all that matters. Puhuhuhu

"without knowing it, we walk more slowly ahead of men and swing our hips"

A very often forgotten doge.

Angelo from Final Fantasy VIII (Such Limit, Very Cannon, Concern)

Since I've knocked off 4 of those I guess I have to play hotel dusk now.

I've had to be three people this week. They exist separately, in spaces that I'm better off keeping discrete for the

Yeah, the Vita was made for Monster Hunter and it's just been left out in the cold.

I don't blame them, it's addictive even today. Though I do wish they'd come back to their beloved home...the Playstation :) Some of my best gaming days were spent sitting by the radiator on a cold winter morning hunting with strangers in MH1 and feeling like a badass cause I was the only one in the area with a network