Yes! Good advice. Thanks for helping me think this one through! :D
Yes! Good advice. Thanks for helping me think this one through! :D
Let the record show that I would have re-written this sentence, "Note that he's not talking about games like Mass Effect, where you can choose to be gay" thusly:
Note that he's not talking about games like Mass Effect where the player character can have relationships with characters of the same sex.
Using the words…
I do mean that I'd like to be another Kotaku writer, based out of Japan. What can we do to help make that dream come true?
Yeah, the NA Borderland's 2 Bundle is the same new slim model Vita that came out in Japan last October. I can't say I'm sad they went from OLED to LCD, though. I don't see it making a lot of difference for me since I don't own the original Vita. I still don't know whether to get the NA version in May or import a…
YES! Only spending time with games you enjoy, and only for the amount of time that you enjoy them has become my life motto. I have given myself permission not to feel guilty if I don't finish a game, which has helped my sanity a great deal.
The 3DS is my most used system of this generation, partially because I can…
Dear Jason and Kotaku,
I have to say I agree with you. I have been studying martial arts on and off for the last decade or so and I was thinking the exact same things you were, namely that armor breeds a certain type of combatant that believes they are invincible and also it becomes more about the ego than the technique or strategy.
Yes! Seriously, this has been missing from my life. Thanks for sharing :D
Thanks, everyone! I've read all your responses, and I've decided to start the free trial tonight. I'm really looking forward to it.
I've wanted to try and get into EVE as well, but I never have because I fear what happened to you, will happen to me. It seems like a game that a new player would really only be able to get into and stick with if they had a friend, 0r friends, who already have been playing for awhile. I'm also afraid that my entire…
I appreciate how weird this makes me feel. Very cool.
Nah, I don't think I spoiled anything. Madoka Magica has a really deep story line that nobody should miss out on if they're a fan of anime in general. I'm willing to point out the obvious if it means more people will give Madoka a chance :)
If you like murderous animals (stuffed or not), might I recommend the anime Madoka Magica? I'll be picking up this game :)
You took the words right out of my mouth.
Did anyone else think "abused Russian circus bear" when they read that the photos are from "Moscow-based fashion photographer"??? :(
How do you go to the bathroom with those nails?
I came here for this <3
Burrito for lunch it is!
I drink gin and tonic with a squeeze of lime, which most people hate. Or dirty vodka martinis. Or you can do amaretto in coffee (uppers+downers=wheeeeeeee, unless you do decaf instead). Bailey's on ice is good straight. Spiced rum or Jack Daniels (or both) in Coke. Or spiced rum in egg nog. Or tequila and Squirt soda…
My opinion after seeing only 9 minutes (a very small section) of the game is that the physics feel very weak compared to other current gen titles with similar mechanics. I also feel like it's a Left 4 Dead (L4D) clone. It seems to copy many of the zombie archetypes (what zombie game doesn't copy previous archetypes…