Great catch!
Great catch!
Definitely Monaco!
I am also waiting for Remember Me to drop in price :)
I have hardly played my 360 this year. The only games I invested any time in were Tomb Raider and Bioshock: Infinite, and for me Tomb Raider is absolutely the Best 360 Game of 2013's First Half. I could not put it down. I should also disclose that I'm a huge fan of the Tomb Raider franchise, so my viewpoint is…
I'd have to say the most Surprisingly Good Game of 2013's First Half is Project X Zone. It's just surprisingly fun, entertaining and easy to consume.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is the first MH I've ever played and I'm addicted. It's insanely fun with a group!
I'm loving Project X Zone also. It has been the most pleasant surprise of 2013's First Half.
This is definitely the hardest category to pick just one game as best of 2013's First Half for me.
Patricia, you bring up some great points. I loved the (Dateline? Can't remember where I saw that news piece) video that you included about race/gender and the conclusions we draw from our stereotyping everyone we encounter. It's interesting from both an evolutionary and sociological standpoint.
I've never played any of the Homeworld games, but as I was watching those awesome lazars pew pew into space, I started thinking about what the implications of actually firing off lazars into space would be.
This is why I keep coming back to Kotaku: great articles that inform me about things I may never have heard about, but are appealing because they touch a part of the culture I love, and the amazing community that the Kotaku readers and writers try to create and improve on.
I just want to know what dog is in the gif.
I'm disappointed, but also grateful because I too was worried about how I was going to split my time up between this, Monster Hunter 3, Project X Zone and Shin Megami Tensei IV. There are just so many good games out now. Not a bad problem to have, I guess :)
I thought the same thing. Glad you brought it up.
I didn't know that was a part of the vampire lore. Awesome, thanks. :D
I'm a fan of the Castlevania series. This one in particular looks wonderful. I have a thing for white wolves/dogs because of my special furry friend (who just passed away last month):.
This looks AWESOME! I'm gonna pretend I'm John Snow killing stuff with my pal Ghost the whole time!
Can I just say that I love you so much??? This was the best comment anyone has ever made. Let's be friends.
Someone has probably already mentioned this, but there is a HUGE downside to being able to suspend games and come back later:
Tasteful use of the zombie-decapitation-with-machete image right after mentioning the public decapitation of a member of the armed forces.