
Nintendo fans are the most obnoxious of all, since they are mostly younger. At least that's the case in the west.

Sad as it may sound, this must be the best looking Samurai Shodown game in a decade or so.

I'm not a fan of KOF XIII's graphical look at all. But I'd really like a new SS game, though...

Hey, it's Johnny Gat! I want that guy back.

Don't mind me, I'll just water my plant while you beat the shit out of each other.

That was shit :P

Actually, it's not pornographic at all. Pornography is the explicit showing of genitalia and the sexual act, and this is just boobs. Even God of War does boobs.

Well "futurists" can still stay online 24 hrs a day if they want to... they can still get their digital games too. I don't see the problem.

That's a shame... I would've insta-bought a Wii U version.

You're reading too much into it. I don't like motion controls just like someone may or may not like nachos, but that's about it... I'm no "elitist" or whatever. Skyward Sword with regular controls would've opened the game to a whole new audience, while Wind Waker was already a regular-controlled game, so there's

Skyward Sword for the Wii U would've made so much more sense... a way to play the game without those stupid motion controls.

WW is a pretty good game, but I gotta agree with you on the art style... I hate it.


Not a fan of the tablet, specially when the battery runs out so fast. It's particularly annoying that even if you don't use the thing for a couple of days, when you go and try to turn the Wii U on, you find out the tablet still runs out of juice.

You missed the point entirely. You don't even deserve to be an E3 attendee...

I love Zelda 2! But I do incline to agree that some things were implemented poorly. Then again, it was like... 1986? As an experiment it's freaking awesome.

Where's my Yakuza 5? I can't believe we're missing on the biggest, baddest game in the series. I'm already hurt we got the zombie game instead of the feudal Japan one.

No Yakuza 5 news is what hurt me the most... I'm not as sure as you guys that the game is getting localized at all. I need a hint, a tease, whatever.

I think it's cool the game's getting a sequel, but I'd never be even half as ecstatic. I mean... the game was ok and all, but just ok... I don't get the fanatism.

I know, right? What a douche.