
Actually, I think it's sad the artist had to explain himself to douchebags like these. I'd just give 'em the finger. It's just an artistic choice...

... DEAL WITH IT (that one has being fairly popuar these days)

This may be good after all... let's give the guys a chance :D

Your favorite console of all time is the DS? No wonder your articles suck.

She can kill herself if she wants to. She can leave her friends behind...

Every time this game appears on the news, I like it more and more. Finally, some real survival horror!

iOS? What a waste. They should've released these digitally on the Vita and / or the 3DS.

Man, I love Yukari. And I'm dying to hear news of Persona 5... what's up with that?

A little out of topic, but Skyward Sword should've been a Wii U launch title instead of a Wii-death title. It seems to be a great game, but I just can't bother with playing it on the Wii.

If you are uncomfortable playing a game like this in public, Jason Schreier, maybe you're the 14 year-old. Grow the hell up, it's just an artistic choice... and it seems to bug you more than anyone else.

Personally, I don't care being seen playing even a Hello Kitty game. Why? Because I'm an adult and have no stupid

She knew the game was rare? That's rare.

Jetstream Sam reminds me of that one captain guy in Bleach. The one with the cherry jacket.

This is offensive, this is over-sexualization and stereotyping of men. Real men aren't so muscular and they don't have such huge beards.


Money owns this town.

In my personal opinion, Bioshock is loads better. I'm still enjoying its world, while when I played Dishonored, I just wanted to be done with it. A bland explanation, but it's just what I felt.

Having kids sounds awful. Why the hell would someone want that?

Someone should've told him that the actual person getting baptized was Booker DeWitt, a fictional character you happen to play as, not himself.

I can't say anything beyond that both series are pieces of shit. In my personal, humble opinion.

Lots of japanese products are oversexualized... and I like it that way, it's another view on things. Not everything needs to be ultra-serious and realistic and gritty, or whatever the hell you seem to want.

I'm not ashamed to admit, that was kinda awesome.