Come on, there must be another guy who can relay his orders or something.
Come on, there must be another guy who can relay his orders or something.
Aaaaand I hope that you drop dead. Really, I don't need you or your crap.
Well, that was enlightening, thanks. Although I don't get all the hate since I wasn't there during the process.
I don't get it
I miss this more than anything on modern RPGs. Back then, reaching the world map and hearing for the first time its music was a staple of the whole RPG experience. Heck, on some cases overworld tunes were even considered as the main themes of the game. Sure, it's just an illusion that the game world is bigger than it…
I don't agree at all. And... that's all I have to say :P
So... was it the uDraw the one who effectively brought THQ to the ground? The guy who though it up must be feeling really good, now.
I didn't like DA2 that much either, but the dwarf dude was awesome.
Ni no Kuni is a pretty traditional RPG in its shape and form, which is great for everyone that has missed playing a game in that fashion. I'm one of them, but it sounds it's not for you right now, and that's OK.
I agree... it just wasn't the same after X. While not all games after that are bad, it's the point where things started going downhill.
You can't seriously be putting "best" and "Final Fantasy XIII" in one sentence. Really, you should just drop dead.
This article is basically "Five reasons why Richard Eisenbeis sucks and shouldn't be writing about videogames". GTFO and make way for people who really love games.
Great article, hope that Sony gets up from its current condition. BTW, the walkman was killed by the ipod? what?
I love these guys. Can't say any more than that.
Gotta agree on the part about IA, but not about the framerate. Maybe if it was slowdown, but it isn't... they're two drastically different things.
Not sure if Jesus is being serious, but otherwise, I agree wholeheartedly. Larry is one of the most classic game series in existence and it deserves respect.
Not sure what terrible crime Chris Brown commited (yeah, I'm out from the news loop) but, the chick kinda asked for it. Sure, he went overboard, but still...
So you're saying we should avoid the game just because it's hard? Gimme a break. Although I agree it's too hard on higher difficulties, it plays, looks and feels great.
I don't like his art at all... I think he's totally overrated. But hey, that's just me.
JRPGs are linear, sure... but at least older ones gave you the ilussion of being a little open, with big maps to explore and the such. Games like FF13 totally lost that charm.