
Exactly. Odds are, if you're playing this game, you probably like collecting lots, and lots of guns.

Logically, one would think so.... except for the fact that if Bioware did this, there would be backlash from one group or another whining about not having a pure token representative of "them" in the game. Which, would just perpetuate the issue. Ya gotta' love political correctness.

I agree. I would promote you, but I honestly do not know how that system works.

I knew I saw it before... Lifehacker, find some original content! (Yes, I know, some people are new to LH and/or missed it)

Although it swallowed some of are long-running local independent stores... :( (In this part of FL at least)

You read my mind on everything that you said....

Congrats! Mass Effect (the series; hey, its one continuing story) are my favorite games of all time. I gather you can see why!

Now playing

Yeah. It gets pretty serious. EV's, IV's, etc. (Not my clip, btw)

Haha! That just made my day! :D

Exactly. Many people claim to be Christians, but relatively few actually know about Christianity, and actively practice what they believe. Even going to church regularly does not mean anything if you do not practice your belief.

Thank you for saying that. Now a days, people only take from something what THEY want to hear from it, and don't listen t the whole story.

Yes. The Old Testament is a Holy book. It still holds great significance. However, since the first coming of Christ, some of the laws, i/e Law of Moses were replaced with what is in the New Testament. This is because, from then on, you can be saved my grace, not by specific elements of the law. There's much more of

That's the exact opposite of what I am saying. I think you just hear what you want to. I do NOT condone rape or murder. etc. Also, You did not understand the context of Isaiah 13:15-16.


That was under the old Testament, or contract. This is the New Testament, and has been for over 2000 years.


My parents didn't let me play video games until I was 8. (I'm 15) My first console was the Gameboy Advance SP. The next year I got for Christmas was to be my first console. I opened the wrapping paper and was somewhat confused. It was a PnP ripoff modeled after the N64 controller. (of course I was still grateful) The

I think that this is a good way to illustrate a sermon. The Bible is completely as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago, but the general populace has trouble comprehending all of it. This is a good way to introduce sermon ideas, and hey, its entertaining as well! :D

Agreed. I am 15. My parents didn't let me play a video game until i WAS 8, so I only got into gaming with the later generations of consoles, and the N64. (now a PC gamer). Now, I find it interesting and fun to play the ROMs of older games. I plan to buy a used NES and a few games to play them in their true fashion.

This is full of win.