
You sir, Win an Internet

I actually went to go see that when it was in West Palm Florida. It's really F-ing creepy. (although kind of cool in a morib sort of way)

I thought it was just me! This was the first person game, Period, that I ever played. I loved it. And it was openworlded too. The memories...

On the dark side of the internets... Enter at your Own Risk...

Yes. Just yes.

I could see them as the Next Valve. By that, I mean, GREAT customer relations. Super-Loyal fanbase, and rock-solid products.

I would agree with you. I, for one, am Not one of those people who idly sit by and call themselves Christians. I have faith in God, as faith and religion are different. religion is merely practice, not necessarily faith. if you look at the numbers (which are not easy to accurately obtain) the people fitting my

I swear I heard Cave Johnson's voice when reading that!:D

Look at Team Fortress 2. If Infinity Ward had made it, i would be bankrupt from all the added content.

Well no Ep. 3 then... :( (or it least in the form Half-Life fans have come to know and love)

Thank you. The comment needed to be made.

And Vehicles!

I LOL'd so hard at that!

Neat symbolism. And thank you for posting this without care of what kotaku's readers might think. :)

Yes! exactly. this'll just degrade the series and how it's intended. (*Puts on flame retardant suit*)

Ikr! I run the sound board at my church and this would be absolutely perfect! :D

This is a reference in a good way. Freedom Tower is an honor and an homage to the events of September 11. (as well as being a functioning building, of course) and the game designers simply decided to put this actual building in the game. There is no ill feelings taking place. (as I see it)

It'd be like Mario meets Minecraft!...